-1:7:12:130 61:APCP:Precipitation hourly total [kg/m^2] 157:CAPE:180-0 mb above ground Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] 153:CONVfrac:Fraction of total precipitation that is convective [unitless] 205:DLWRF:Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) [W/m^2] 204:DSWRF:Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) [W/m^2] 228:PEVAP:Potential evaporation hourly total [kg/m^2] 1:PRES:Surface pressure [Pa] 51:SPFH:2-m above ground Specific humidity [kg/kg] 11:TMP:2-m above ground Temperature [K] 33:UGRD:10-m above ground Zonal wind speed [m/s] 34:VGRD:10-m above ground Meridional wind speed [m/s]